Recently, I had an agency shoot in studio with a bunch of people that included art directors, creative directors, account managers and models. This shoot focused on photographing four individuals for a campaign that was geared towards selling wood stains. We had to pick a variety of people that represented adults who would likely do their own renovations. I really enjoy this kind of collaboration on projects! Anyway, it gave me the opportunity to meet Theresa Campbell who owns Autumn Artistry, specializing in makeup and hair styling.  She was amazing! Did such an incredible job and was a delight to work with. So I figured I’d get to know her a bit better and help you to know her too. (Photos below)


Tae – Okay. So I basically just want you to tell me a little bit about yourself just as a general introduction and that kind of thing.

Theresa – I am a makeup and hair stylist, self taught. I didn’t go to any beauty school. I kinda just learned as I grew up in a foster home and as the girls were getting ready they would say, “Oh , Theresa, can you do my hair? Theresa can you do my makeup?” and that’s how it kinda started for me. And I just kept doing people’s events and stuff, and then I had an opportunity to be on a show, so random, called Pink Is In, and that’s how I got connected with other shows in the tv industry. If a stylist wasn’t available to do a show they would want to be able to refer another artists and that’s how I got a lot of jobs. However, I just found I wasn’t happy with having to wait months and months and months to get paid. So I thought, “Gosh, what else could I do?” and so I said, “You know what? I’m going to see if I can get into bridal.” And I really loved it, but from there I wanted to do more. I wanted to get into branding and boudoir. And then I started doing that and now, I’m happy and overjoyed because I’m doing things I love and am passionate about!

Tae – Can you describe how your skills improve a shoot?

Theresa – I think if you know how to work on skin properly, know how to prep the skin properly, you can make it look very realistic. I think that helps, in terms of editing, and I always hear photographers that I work with say “It makes my job so much easier because I don’t really have to go in and fix all these things on people because they just feel so confident in the way that they already look.”

Tae – How do you decide on what kind of look to give a person?

Theresa – I always want people to look like themselves. Are you a person that wears mascara or not? Do you even have a skincare routine? And then I go from there and then based on pretty much how they describe themselves, it’s either they’re gonna be like very natural and minimalistic or someone that’s, well, gets spray tans all the time and loves big liner and wants, you know, the glam. So yeah, I think that I always like to start where the client is and I think that just falls back on my counselling.

Tae – Yeah. Kind of feel them out and see what kind of look prefer and kind of like go along those lines. Is that what you’re saying?

Theresa – And if there’s already a set type of look that’s already been illustrated by the photographer for a shoot, I keep that in mind, but also their comfort because even though they’re playing this role or whatever they’re going into, they still need to have that comfort of still feeling like themselves versus a total transformation.

Tae – Good, good. I like that. So how would you describe yourself, um, as far as like, what sets you apart from other stylists?

Theresa I’m able to work on a variety of different individuals, like different hair textures, different skin tones.  I pretty much work with everybody, and I think that’s something that does kind of set me apart. A lot of people don’t know how to work on different hair textures or deeper complexions. Some they say it’s so much harder. I mean, just put in the effort, it’s the same amount of work <laugh> like, do yourself a favour and get educated and then they’ll have more business. So I think that’s something that kind of sets me apart and also something that I do take very seriously and is important to me is being inclusive with everyone.

TaeYeah, that’s really good. Last question: What gets you excited for the day?

Theresa – I’ve worked that job that I have not enjoyed for many, many years. I kind of just tried my best to, you know, soldier through, but I really look forward to meeting every one of my clients, I look forward to hearing what they think or what they want for themselves. And I feel like every time when I do get to do someone’s hair and makeup I get to know them on a personal level. It’s kind of crazy how many things people share with me during our makeup sessions, sometimes very, very deep things and experiences. So just being able to be that support for someone and empower them through doing profile shots for their career or through boudoir, or their special day, like their wedding, you know, just being a part of those moments is absolutely the most rewarding thing for me.

Tae – That’s very cool. I feel like a lot of people are dying to have deep conversations and they don’t have the outlet for it. Do you know what I mean?

Theresa – Exactly.

Tae – And especially with this whole pandemic, not being able to get together with friends and stuff. Being more isolated. I mean, I feel like that’s something that’s been lacking in our society in general, but that’s just off topic. 

Theresa – Yeah. That’s why I do online counselling! A lot of people don’t, so sometimes that’s the first time that they actually have a connection and feel comfortable enough to talk about stuff like that. Most people just suppress it and just keep going on with their life and thinking this is just how it’s supposed to be. Like, this is as good as it’s going to get.

Tae – It’s so old fashion.

Theresa – Yeah.

Tae – Right? I’m glad things are starting to change as far as mental health is concerned. I think it’s good to normalize it to be like going to the doctor, you know, when you’re not feeling well.

Theresa – Exactly. It also comes on the cultures too. Right. So there’s, there’s so many things that are intertwined and, you know, are connected to why people don’t get the mental health support that they need. So I’m glad if I can be supportive in any way.

If you’d like to learn more about Theresa and her crew at Autumn Artistry Makeup & Hair and how they an improve your photo shoot check out her website here.