Do you ever meet someone and then they smile at you and you feel an instant connection with them? That’s what I felt when I met Iva Obayuwana. She came to me to have her portrait taken in studio for her business.  She is a real estate representative and wanted fresh images of herself. She has such a warmth to her coupled with a boss lady persona. Her smile lights up a room and I was excited to photograph it.  I gotta say, when a person smiles easily it makes my job a dream!

This powerhouse lady came into my studio and we tried out a few different background and looks and in the end these are the photos that we liked the most. Typically when shooting a portrait session I shoot directly to my laptop so that we can see the images as they come up. Then after we’ve taken a bunch we can review them and pick the potentials, narrowing them down to the final selections. After the client leaves I bring the images into Photoshop and clean them up a little. Colour-correction, removing distractions like fly away hairs or a wrinkle in their fabric, toning down any shine, softening skin, and generally just making you look like the best you! There’s a lot of love that goes into these images and it always excites me to see the final look. Give me a shout if you’d like some new images of yourself!